Surfen und Haie in Australien | BOXIO's Abenteuer Down Under

Surfing and sharks in Australia | BOXIO's Adventure Down Under

Anyone who has spent any time in Australia knows that surfing is very popular and widespread in Australia. But everyone also knows that there are many sharks in both the Pacific and Indian Oceans,...

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Australien Construction Work

Construction Work | BOXIO's Adventure Down Under

Construction work?! What is that? Construction work is work on building sites. This can be very varied and you can earn good money with or without previous experience and work your way up the rank...

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Farmwork| BOXIO's Abenteuer Down Under

Farmwork| BOXIO's adventure Down Under

Crazy - Suddenly almost 3 months have passed since the last blog. It's the end of November and here in Queensland the harvest season for the "good" fruit is slowly starting for the farmers and back...

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Australien Lab, einmal um Australien reisen

Aussie Lap - once around Australia | BOXIO's adventure Down Under|

Circumnavigating Australia in your own car. That would be something, wouldn't it? Untouched desert, wild animals, turquoise sea and white sandy beaches - simply endless expanses. That just sounds l...

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Australien Visum und 88 days

Visa and 88 days | BOXIO's adventure Down Under

Visa, 88 days, 2nd and 3rd year visa... What does all that mean?! Don't worry! It's completely normal that all these terms can seem really confusing at first if you haven't really looked into the t...

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Autokauf Australien

Buying a car: yes, no and which one? | BOXIO's adventure Down Under

You have travelled to Australia with your Work & Holiday Visa and have completed the first organizational to-do's such as getting an Australian cell phone number, applying for a TFN, opening an Aus...

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Australien Komplettguide mit jesko in Ayers Rock

Jesko's guide to the perfect start | BOXIO's adventure Down Under

Hello everyone! My name is Jesko, I'm 24 years old and I'm currently in an airplane high above the clouds. Beautiful Australia is moving away at an incredible speed. But don't worry, I won't be go...

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